“The replacement of jBPM with Activiti in Alfresco is just the beginning. It's the start of a seamless integrated environment that combines Enterprise Content Management (ECM), Adaptive Case Management (ACM) and Business Process Management (BPM)," said Tom Baeyens, Activiti Project Lead. "Moving forward, our new case management vision will focus on taking BPM out of its niche and opening it up to a much wider audience, fostering an environment for even greater innovation.”
[From Alfresco Provides First Community Release w/ Activiti BPM Integration]
Alfresco Community Editionの最新版、3.4eがリリースされています。今回の目玉はなんと言ってもワークフローエンジンActivitiの採用です。当面互換性のためにjBPMも同梱され続けるようではありますが、グラフィカルなデザイナを持ち、BPMNに対応しているActivitiの使い勝手にはかなり期待がもてるのではないかと思います。(できれば、Alfresco関係なくActiviti単体でも仕事をしてみたいですね)
(文責 Ishii Akinori IT-Coordinator)